Open Letter to the Twin Cities Soccer Community

Open Letter to the Twin Cities Soccer Community

Thursday, July 30, 2020

We are happy to announce that we will restart Twin Cities Soccer Leagues competition as the current local government guidance allows.

We know that our youth have missed the incredible socio-emotional benefits of youth athletic activity during a time that has been trying on our communities in many ways.  While we are very excited for a return to competition, we are balancing this excitement with a desire to be methodical and thoughtful about a return to play. 

Our excitement has not overshadowed the gravity of the current community health challenges we are facing. While it is impossible to eliminate risk in its entirety, we have carefully crafted a Return to Competition Plan that will allow us to resume League play this upcoming Autumn season. This plan has been endorsed and reviewed by the Minnesota Department of Health. 

We are confident that this Plan provides needed structure, acknowledgement and methods to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. We are not naïve to the fact that without a structured League and Plan, youth would take it upon themselves to play anyways, in neighboring parks and fields without the necessary precautions.

Part of our ability to continue offering leagues is to acknowledge that our world is very different than it was only six months ago. The coronavirus is real. Denying that fact will make it hard for us to continue providing League opportunities. We all have an obligation to look out for one another and respect the protocols as outlined in our Plan.

TCSL was built on the idea that travel, as much as possible, should be reduced. Never more important than now, our league will emphasize a localized environment. As we do every season, we will look to reduce travel and alongside our clubs, ensure that the league placement makes sense, most importantly from a geographical perspective.

There is a choice in everything, and parents are free to make decisions that are best for your children and families. We respect that many are comfortable with an imminent return to play, while others will be more cautious.   

Above all, we assure you that the safety of everyone in our soccer community is our priority.

All the best,

Matt Tiano
Twin Cities Soccer Leagues

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